

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

6 Glasses Of Water a Day Keeps Doctor AWAY !!!

Water is a vital nutrient among all other nutrients i.e. Carbohydrates, fats, Proteins, vitamins & minerals. Everybody can survive without these five nutrients but not without water for more than 3 to 5 days. In other words, water is a life saving nutrient. It constitutes 60% of the human body weight.

Our Human body derives water from 2 main sources – Drinking Water and food. A small quantity (about 800ml) of water is formed in the tissues as a result of metabolism. 6 glasses of water per day is recommended for a normal healthy person. To know your daily requirement of water, divide your weight (in ponds) in half and drink this much ounces of water daily i.e if weight is 100 pounds then the daily requirement is 50 ounces of water (1.47 Liters). The water intake and loss must be equal in order to maintain the normal water balance.

Excessive water loss (such as that occurs in severe diarrhea) results in dehydration and Excessive Water Retention(such as that occurs in kidney failure) results in edema.

Why Water is so much important ?

Essential Constituents: It is an essential constituents of many vital fluids in the human body e.g. Blood, Lymph, CSF. Our body contains 98 percent of water.

Regulates Body Temperature: It helps in regulation of body temperature e.g  when the outside temperature is more than inside body temperature, It maintains body temperature by perspiration.
Transport of Nutrients: It helps in that transport of the nutrients.

Cell Health: It acts as a carrier that transport chemicals to and from cells.

Tissue Health: It helps in building and repair of body tissues

Biochemical and Metabolic Reactions: Water acts as a medium in which all the chemical & metabolic reactions take place i.e. Water also helps in the breakdown of food.

Absorptions & Digestion: Water helps in absorption of nutrients from the food we eat and thereby helps in digestion

Elimination of Waste product: After absorption & digestion, it also helps in removing wastes from the body through urine and faeces

Effective Lubricant: It acts as a lubricant for the joints.

Shock Absorber: It acts as shock absorber for eyes, brain, spinal cord and fetus through amniotic fluid.

Skin Health: It moisturizes the skin and maintains texture and glow.

Reduces risk of Renal Calculi (Kidney Stones): Water keeps the kidneys healthy thereby prevents renal calcula (Kidney Stones)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coping with Heartburn (Acidity) in Pregnancy

Acidity or heartburn is another source of discomfort for some pregnant women. It can make you feel uneasy with a burning sensation in your chest, or make you nauseous if it is really severe. Pregnant women may get heartburn because the stomach muscles relax and food tends to back up. Sometimes, the stomach makes more acid during pregnancy. The growing baby, pressing against the stomach, can force acid upward causing heartburn.

You might feel the urge to rely on antacids when what you actually need is plenty of water, a good nutritious diet and a relaxed mind, free from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Get plenty of fresh air, exercise and a stress free environment. Work on soothing your body and mind for this is the best medication you can prescribe yourself.


Greasy, fried, or highly seasoned foods may produce heartburn. Determine which foods give you heartburn, and avoid them.

Eat several small meals a day, rather than three large meals.

Eat your evening meal at least an hour or two before you go to bed. Try ans stay upright after you have eaten, take a small walk or prop yourself up with pillows for a while. This prevents the reversal of food from the stomach with additional digestive acids that result in heartburn.

Avoid acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, red peppers and chocolate, as they can cause heartburn. Stay on non-acidic fruits like melons,bananas,chickoos etc.

A leisurely walk reduces heartburn for some women; for others, sitting quietly and breathing deeply is helpful.

To help coat your stomach and esophagus, try sipping water, milk, carbonated water or papaya juice. You can also try 1/2 tablespoon or yogurt, heavy cream, half and half or a small dish of plain ice cream.

Have 3 to 4 glasses of buttermilk everyday if you can handle as it is God's nectar for acidity.

Drink more water (at least 6 to 8 glasses in a day) and increase your intake of fruit juices, soups and milk shakes. Consume at least 2 litres of fluid everyday. Supplement your fluid intake with guava drink.

Products such as baking soda or Rolaids are high in salt and should not be taken. Heartburn medications that contain aspirin (such as Alka-Seltzer) should NEVER be taken during pregnancy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


AIDS / HIV+ Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, popularly known as 'AIDS', is one of the unforgettable diseases of the 20th century, the black shadows of which may continue into the 21st century also. "Acquired" refers to any condition that is not present at birth. "Immuno Deficiency" means the body's immune (defense) system which is not working efficiently. And 'syndrome' refers to the fact that it includes a group or a range of symptoms and signs. 

This deficiency is a late consequence of infection by the human immuno deficiency virus (HIV).   Causes High-risk activities that are able to transmit HIV from one person to another include sexual contact and sharing needles and syringes. However, HIV is not transmitted by insect bites, nor through kissing, Hugging, handshaking, coughing, sneezing or sharing a toilet!   “PLEASE TREAT AIDS PATIENTS SYMPATHYTICALLY “   

Signs & Symptoms  
There are many opportunistic infections which may infect the individual and symptoms and signs manifest depending on the system or systems involved and the symptoms are varied and numerous. They include fevers, sweats, cough, diarrhea, herpes infection, dry itchy skin etc.   

Herbal Remedies  
Persons with AIDS or HIV + can expect progress in therapy in the near future. However some antiviral herbs, which strengthen the inner defense system of the body are given below. Daily intake of some herbs for very long periods, may be helpful for some HIV+ people in slowing down the onset of AIDS, just like AZT, a costly drug. These wonder home remedies are two holy plants tulsi, bilva (bael fruit) and one common bulb popularly known as the "heal-all" bulb i.e., garlic. All these are well known antiviral agents and rejuvenatives.   

  • Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum): A Tsp of juice extracted from tender leaves should be taken daily on empty stomach early in the morning. This strengthens the entire respiratory system, generally targeted by HIV. 
  • Bel fruit (Aegle marmelos): The fruits are highly useful especially the half-ripe fruit. The fruit pulp should be dried and powdered. 1 Tsp of the powder along with some water should be taken after meals. This protects the digestive system from invasion by HIV. 
  • Turmeric : 1 Glass 200ml of warm milk mixed with 1tsp of turmeric powder should be taken twice/thrice a day. The milk should be boiled for 5 min before mixing turmeric powder. This would enhance general body immunity against any outer infections. 
  • Garlic (Lahsun) (Allium sativum): One piece of a garlic bulb should be taken and the outer layers and inner pedicel removed. It should then be crushed and added to a glass of pure milk. The milk should be boiled on moderate fire till the milk is reduced to ¼ glass. This should be taken with little bit of sugar at bed time daily. This is a wonder rejuvenative and builds up the body mass and weight and is a good antiviral.   

Do’s& Don’ts 
  • Follow safe sex practices, preferably a single partner. 
  • Avoid blood transfusions as far as possible 
  • Always Insist on disposable syringes & needles while taking injections. 
  • It is advisable to take your personal barber kit while going to barber shop. 
  • Always insure that new blades are used in Barber shops. It is advisable if you monitor the barber while he changes the blade. 
  • Always insure that Scissors are wiped with disinfectant (or After shave) at Barber shop.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What’s your Ayurveda type (Know your dosha!)

According to Ayurveda principle, Everything in nature, including our bodies, is made from the five elements of space, air, fire, water and earth. These five elements combine to form the three basic body-mind profiles, called doshas, that govern our entire physical composition and how each of us is uniquely inclined to react and interact with the world around us. Doshas are the energies that make up every individual which perform different physiological function in the body. The doshas are called – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

While each dosha plays an individual role in our bodies, overall good health is achieved only when all three are in balance. Knowing your unique proportions of vata, pitta and kapha is a prerequisite to understanding Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment. We should also understand that while some of us have one only dominant dosha, many people are a combination of any two or all three doshas, usually with one profile that is dominant.

Characteristics of Vata Predominant type:
Elements: air and space

  • Body Frame is Thin & Slender with prominent joints and lean muscles. Lightest of the three body types
  • Dry or rough skin and have Dry and brittle (frizzy) hair, eyes are small & active
  • The hands and feet are usually cold & they prefer warm environments.
  • Easily gets Anxious and worried under stress
  • have Light sleep with tendency to awaken easily
  • Dislikes Cold weather and Lose weight easily.
  • Appetite Varies and have delicate digestion.

Physical ailments connected to the air element, such as emphysema, pneumonia and arthritis, are predominant. If you are predominantly Vata, you should include more cooked, warm foods, stay away from icy drinks, and add more warming spices like cinnamon, cloves, and ginger to your food. This will prevent any digestion issues that Vata types tend to get, as well, as anxiety, dry skin, or insomnia. Maintain regular habits, try to eat and sleep at the same time every night. Exercise intensity should be moderate. A more meditative yoga, walking, and swimming are all good. Avoid strenuous and frantic activities.

Characteristics of Pitta Predominant types:
Element: fire and water

  • Body frame is medium, symmetrical built with good muscle development.
  • Skin is warm and reddish in color and easily irritated
  • Hair are fine,thin or premature grey with penetrating gaze eyes
  • Joints are loose and flexible and body temperature  is usually warm regardless of the season and they prefer cool environments.
  • Under stress they are irritable,intense or aggressive.
  • Moderately sound sleeper, usually need less than 8 hours to feel rest.
  • Maintain weight easily.

Physical ailments connected to the fire element, such as fevers, inflammatory diseases and jaundice, are predominant. Heat make them very tired. It's important for Pittas to keep cool by avoiding overexposure to direct sunlight and fried and spicy foods. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, overworking, and overheating. When aggravated, susceptible to feeling negative emotions like hostility, hatred, intolerance, and jealousy. Choose fresh vegetables and fruits that are watery and sweet, especially cherries, mangoes, cucumbers, water melon, and avocado. Have lots of salads with dark greens such as arugula, dandelions, and kale.

Characteristic of Kapha predominant type:
Element: water and earth

  • Body type is large and stocky build and skin is moist and oily with thick and wavy hair and large pleasant eyes
  • Joints are large, well knit and firM
  • Adaptable to most temperatures but do not like cold or wet days.
  • Under stress they are withdrawn or depressed
  • Sleeping habits are deep and long. Tend to awaken slowly in the morning
  • Gain weight easily 

Physical ailments connected to the water element, such as the flu, sinus congestion and excess mucous, are predominant. It's important to be active on a daily basis as Kapha types are prone to sluggishness, depression, and being overweight. Getting out of the house and actively seeking new experiences is also recommended. Be receptive to useful change, be intentional in implementing life-enhancing actions. Choose foods that are light, warm, and spicy. Tea with dried ginger and lemon is a great pick-me-up for Kaphas. Avoid heavy oily and processed sugars, which are detrimental to Kaphas. Use lots of spices such as black pepper, ginger, cumin, chili and lots of bitter dark greens.